Our Team
Jeff Seymour, President and CEO
Koey Keylon, Executive Director of BioTC
Carly Collins, Senior Director of Programs and Outreach
Emma Anderson, Marketing Manager
Monique Walker, Manager of Partner Engagement and Special Projects
Heather Mage, STEAM Project Coordinator
Board of Directors
Christian Kanady, Chairman
Founder, CEO
Echo Investment Capital
David Harlow
Founder, CEO
BancFirst Corporation
Christy Gillenwater
President and CEO
The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber
Tomas Diaz de la Rubia
Vice President for Research & Partnership
University of Oklahoma
Cathy O’Connor, OKCID Interim CEO
The Coalign Group
Dr. Quintin Hughes Sr.
Program Director
Northeast OKC Renaissance
Jennifer Schultz Kouandjio
Senior Vice President of Marketing & External Relations
OU Health
Rick McCune
Presbyterian Health Foundation
James Johnson
Retired Project Manager
Oklahoma Department of Commerce
Kenton Tsoodle
The Alliance for Economic Development of OKC
Dr. Gary Raskob
Senior Vice President and Provost
Cresha Redus
Project Manager
Public Strategies
Dr. Andrew Weyrich
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
OKCID Founders
Oklahoma City Redevelopment Authority
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Presbyterian Health Foundation
The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center